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Contraceptives (emergency)

Prevent unwanted pregnancies

15 min

About this service

Emergency contraceptives help to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or failed birth control. ➤ What is emergency contraception (EC)? Emergency contraception (EC) helps prevent pregnancy after barrier-free sex or a failed contraceptive. A broken condom is an example of a failed contraceptive. EC does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). EC does not cause an abortion or miscarriage if you are already pregnant. It only prevents a pregnancy from happening in the first place. Note: Emergency contraception is different from abortion. Abortion ends a pregnancy. There are two types of abortion: medical abortion and surgical abortion. Medical abortion is a series of pills (Mifegymiso®) that you can take at home if you are less than 8 weeks pregnant. Your physician or a nurse practitioner can prescribe the pills. Surgical abortion typically occurs after 9 weeks of pregnancy. It is also free in B.C. ➤ What types of emergency contraception are available? There are 2 types of emergency contraception: º Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) º Copper IUD (intrauterine device) ➤ When can I use emergency contraception (EC)? All forms of EC should be used as soon as possible after barrier-free sex or a failed contraceptive. EC is more effective the sooner it is used. You may wish to use EC in the following situations: º You had barrier-free sex, or your partner ejaculated on your genitals (e.g., during withdrawal method) º The condom broke, slipped off, or leaked º Your diaphragm or cervical cap slipped, tore, or came out less than 6 hours after intercourse º º You missed taking 1 birth control pill in the first week You missed taking your birth control pills more than 2 days in a row, or you took your progesterone-only pill 3 or more hours late º It has been more than 13 weeks since your last Depo-Provera® injection º Your NuvaRing® has been out of your vagina for more than 3 hours º Your contraceptive patch fell off º You forgot to start, or you forgot to change, the patch for more than 48 hours º You experienced a sexual assault

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