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Heartburn/GERD (Acid Reflux)

A 3am party with heartburn, burning pain & discomfort

15 min

About this service

Heartburn-GERD (Acid Reflux) ➤ Self-assessment checklist º Burping, stomach acid rising from the stomach into the mouth º Burning feeling in the stomach or lower chest rising to the neck ➤ What is gastroesophageal reflux disease? Reflux means that stomach acid and juices flow from the stomach back up into the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. This causes heartburn. When you have heartburn that bothers you often, it is called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. This can also cause pain and swelling in your esophagus (esophagitis). Eating too much late at night or before lying down sometimes can cause heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth. But having heartburn from time to time doesn't mean that you have GERD. With GERD, the reflux and heartburn last longer and happen more often. ➤ What causes it? Normally when you swallow food, it travels down the esophagus. A valve opens to let the food pass into the stomach, and then the valve closes. With GERD, the valve doesn't close tightly enough. Stomach acid and juices from the stomach flow back up (reflux) into the esophagus. ➤ What are the symptoms of GERD? The main symptom of GERD is ongoing heartburn. It may feel like a burning, warmth, or pain just behind the breastbone. You may also have a sour or bitter taste in your mouth. It is common to have symptoms at night when you're trying to sleep.

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