Nicotine dependence (smoking cessation)
It doesn't mean you are a quitter
Service Description
➤ Self-assessment checklist: º Pharmacists can start you on a free 12-week course of nicotine patches, lozenges or gum. They can also prescribe the oral medications varenicline or bupropion, which you may have to pay for some or all of, depending on your PharmaCare coverage. Meet with a pharmacist to get help quitting cigarettes or using other tobacco products. ➤ Health Risks from Smoking º Smoking can increase your risk of dying from a heart attack and getting different kinds of cancer, such as lung cancer. º Coronary Artery Disease º If you smoke while pregnant it may harm your baby. If you are pregnant and would like information about quitting smoking, speak with your health care provider. Quitting smoking can be difficult. Replacing cigarettes with other tobacco products can still negatively affect your health. Second-hand smoke is poisonous and has over 4000 chemicals, including 50 that can cause cancer.
Contact Details
300 Columbia Street #112, Kamloops, BC, Canada
(778) 471-5971
300 Columbia St #112, Kamloops, BC V2C 6L1
p: (778) 471-5971
f: (778) 471-5973