School-Age Catch-Up Vaccines
Get your school-aged child up to date with their vaccinations.
Service Description
It is encouraged that all children to be immunized with the recommended vaccines for their age. Columbia Street Pharmacy can vaccinate children who may have missed their vaccinations from past or future school years due to Public Health cancelling school vaccinations as a result of CoViD-19. As things progress, Public Health will be reaching out to families whose children have no immunization record or are missing immunizations. Children in kindergarten can receive missing immunizations at the same time as their kindergarten shot at their local Public Health centre. For children in grades 6, 9, 11, and 12 that have missed or received only partial immunizations through school-based clinics, Columbia Street Pharmacy can catch them up at our pharmacy based immunization clinics.
Contact Details
300 Columbia Street #112, Kamloops, BC, Canada
(778) 471-5971
300 Columbia St #112, Kamloops, BC V2C 6L1
p: (778) 471-5971
f: (778) 471-5973